Welcome to the website of the Swedish journal riff-raff. Here you can read some of our texts that have been translated into English, French and other languages.
Current issue


No. 10: Communism and value
The central question in this issue is how we can understand communism in relation to Marx’s categories abstract labour and value. Are these inseperable from the commodity form and capitalist society or will they, on the contrary, live on under the control of the associated producers? We publish both Swedish translations and original contributions on this theme that we have been working with off and on—mostly off—since no. 9. With this tenth issue we also put an end to the project that kicked off
more than twenty years ago. However, we look forward to continue the discussion in other contexts.

News and updates
2 February 2023
Our tenth and final issue is now available in English.
10 June 2015
31 May 2015, comrade Cognord held a talk in Gothenburg on the political situation in Greece. You can download the audio recordings here.
5 June 2015
30 March 2014
Sic no. 2 can now be ordered from us.
14 March 2012
Théorie Communiste is organising a meeting in France this summer dedicated to the journal Sic and to various burning questions. The place is near Avignion, where a previous meeting took place in 2008. It will last between the 10th and 17th of August. Continue reading…
20 January 2012
Sic 1 can now be ordered online. Sic is an ‘International journal for communisation’ and a joint project between riff-raff, Théorie communiste, Endnotes, Blaumachen as well as various individuals in France, Germany, the U.S. etc. This first issue has been printed in both an English and a French edition.
15 July 2011
New English and French translations available: ‘Marcel Crusoe’s ex-communists in Intermundia. Notes on the discussion about communisation’, ‘Les ex-communistes de Marcel Crusoe dans l’Intermonde. Notes pour la discussion sur la communisation’, ‘Crise et Communisation’.
13 April 2011
Riff-raff No. 9 released! Many of the texts are available in English.
7 December 2009
In April 2009, Théorie communiste compiled a book on the riots in Greece that took place one year ago. We recommend that you check out the book and read ‘The Glass Floor’, their critical introduction. All available in English.
10 November 2009
Our friends in Blaumachen have made an interesting interview with a friend that participated in the French anti-CPE movement. Read it on their webside: 2005–06: The rebellion of young proletarians in France.
18 February 2009
Current events suggest a four and a half years old analysis to be once again up to date. To those of you who might be interested in our position on the future of the auto production in Trollhättan, see Motarbetaren № 5, 2004.
28 October 2008
Our comrades in Brighton have now released their first issue of Endnotes with the subtitle ‘Preliminary materials for a balance sheet of the 20th century’ which you can order from their website. They have also made a shorter leaflet reflecting on the crisis.
24 July 2008
The recording of a presentation by Théorie communiste on ‘Self-organisation and communisation’, from our meeting in Gothenburg in October 2006, has been finally added to the site. It is however only available in French.
24 July 2008
The recording of a presentation by Théorie communiste on ‘Self-organisation and communisation’, from our meeting in Gothenburg in October 2006, has been finally added to the site. It is however only available in French.
24 August 2007
Updated contact information (new post box address). A few more books (Brinton, Lenneret, Knabb and Voline) can also be ordered through this website.
17 July 2007
Finally, Chris Wright’s text ‘Crisis, Constitution and Capital’, published in riff-raff № 8, is now up on the website.
1 May 2007
A short leaflet for May Day 2007 has been added.
22 January 2007
A short report on the meeting in Gothenburg in October last year has been added to the site. A presentation of the anti-CPE movement by Théorie communiste (in French and Swedish) is also available for download in mp3 format.
5 January 2007
Updated contact information (new PGP key).
30 December 2006
Finally riff-raff № 8 is released also to our English readers. Enjoy!
4 August 2006
Dear readers, we are still working on our 8th issue. While waiting, read a new translation of a text by our friends in AKO about unemployment struggle in Gothenburg (pdf).